Space Samurai — All Aboard!

Space Samurai — All Aboard! The phrase “All aboard!” is announced as a warning before departure, especially as a ship or train leaves. It means, in essence: haul your keister up here quick or you’ll be left behind! But before this Space Samurai Train can leave the station, there must first be an Arrival of the Train: The Arrival of the Train at La Ciotat, by the Lumière Brothers, was shot in Summer 1895 and began public screenings in January 1896. The silent short film runs about 50 seconds and depicts a train pulling into a train station in the French coastal town of La Ciotat. Before its debut screening in 1896, audiences had attend only “Pictures Shows” which were film-strip slideshows, most of the audiences sat in awe of what they were actually seeing — The story goes that when the film was first shown, the audience was so overwhelmed by the moving image of a life-sized train coming directly at them that people screamed and ran out of the theater. Audience’s told reporters is was moving —  Thus the term Movie was coined…  And The Arrival of the Train, is said to be one of the first movies ever made. So, whether you are Cast, Crew, Music Placement, or Product Placement, now is your chance secure a ticket, or wave good-bye to all the others as boarding commences. Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? We are available.

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Space Samurai — Music Score & Soundtrack

Space Samurai — Music Score & Soundtrack Angelic is committed to 15 tracks for the Movie Soundtrack album release, and we now have 8 songs, just over half way there, for our Movie Score and Soundtrack. So, only 7 tracks left to identify and secure. We will included all 15 music tracks in both our Space Samurai Movie Score, and on the Space Samurai Movie Soundtrack Album, to be released… We are seriously considering allowing a few of the Singer – Songwriters to perform their unique track on screen in the Space Samurai Movie… We’re busy sorting through hundreds of external music submissions for our Space Samurai International Movie Music Score and in anticipation of the early release of our Space Samurai Soundtrack Music Album … For only a short time more, will we continue to except external submissions from individuals who provide links to their songs. Our soundtrack should represent an International music selection, as we consider music from around the world, from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation. Once compiled, we will deliver our Soundtrack – just as Billie Eilish delivered the James Bond Title Track: “No Time To Die” — The song was released February 2020 – while the Movie wasn’t release until September 2021: James Bond Soundtrack hit Number 1, No Time To Die claims the biggest opening week for a Bond theme ever, 90,000 chart-sales in first 7 days, and a follow-through of 10.6 million streams-sales to stay at the top (over 10X Platinum). No Time to Die – 109M Views: Remember, the Soundtrack “album” is just one of the 13 revenue streams from a Movie Biz venture, and shared with the investor pool as all 13 revenue streams are. If you want to be removed from seeing any future email updates … simply reply to this email with the request to be removed… Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? We are available.

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Space Samurai — Music Submissions

Space Samurai — Music SubmissionsAngelic is excited to announce: Besides our Space Samurai Title Track, we now have several Featured Tracks Identified, Secured, and they will be included in both our Space Samurai Movie Score, and on the Space Samurai Movie Soundtrack Album to be released… Angelic Officially extends the opportunity for additional External Music Submissions: SoundTrack Revenues are also shared with anyone who contributes to the Space Samurai Soundtrack Music Album: Thank you for being patient as we continue to adjust the credits on IMDb, adding and removing individuals can often takes days… Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? We remain available.

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Space Samurai — Union Deal…!

Space Samurai — Union Deal…! Angelic was notified by the Directors Guild of America (“DGA”): The National Executive Directors board voted unanimously to recommend that members vote YES to accept the new Agreements. In short, we have a new contract until July 2026! A few [edited] Key Highlights of the Agreement include: This was achieved between the 19,000 DGA Union membership and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (“AMPTP”). Thank you for your continued patient as we adjust the credits on IMDb, adding and removing individuals can often takes days… Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? I’m always available.

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Space Samurai — Progress

Space Samurai — Progress Angelic is excited to provide the few following updates: Thank you for being patient as we adjust the credits on IMDb, adding and removing individuals can often takes days — We especially appreciate your understanding with our replies to your emails… Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? We’re always available.

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Space Samurai — Union – Ready!

Space Samurai — Union – Ready! Angelic was notified by the Directors Guild of America (“DGA”), that on behalf of the collective strength and unity of the 19,000 DGA Union membership, they have entered contract negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (“AMPTP”). Angelic supports the DGA as they negotiate our contract, while we continue progress with our Space Samurai Trilogy. Angelic has selected a Creative Director for our Space Samurai Video Game … as we still consider candidates for the Video Game design team. You many find many additions on the IMDb credits, as the Space Samurai Trilogy production moves forward. Next Update: We will be closer to announcing our Lead Male Actor. Questions about our SPACE SAMURAI Trilogy? I’m always available.

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